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Jasola vihar distance And the total travel distance between Tagore Garden to Jasola Vihar Shaheen Bagh is 26 KM. And the total travel distance between Jasola Vihar Shaheen Bagh to Bahadurgarh City is 47 KM. The distance between Jasola and Gurgaon is 29 km. 30, and concessions may apply to Route summary There are total number of intermediate active metro stations are 13 between Jasola Vihar Shaheen Bagh to Laxmi Nagar metro station. The approx travel time between this route is 0:47:16 hh:mm:ss. And the total travel distance between Jasola Vihar Shaheen Bagh to Rohini West is 34 KM. The cheapest way to get from Jasola to Nehru Place Station costs only $0, The distance between Jasola and Nehru Place Station is 5 km. 40, and concessions may apply to Route summary There are total number of intermediate active metro stations are 24 between Knowledge Park II to Jasola Vihar Shaheen Bagh metro station. The distance between Paharganj and Jasola Vihar Shaheen Bagh Station is 22 km. Check map and driving Jasola Vihar is a very good locality and walking distance from malls and shopping locality (Jasola District Center). Route summary There are total number of intermediate active metro stations are 16 between Jasola Vihar Shaheen Bagh to Karkarduma metro station. Subway. And the total travel distance between Rajouri Garden to Jasola Vihar Shaheen Bagh is 24 KM. And the total travel distance between Jasola Vihar Shaheen Bagh to Karol Bagh is 19 KM. The approx travel time between this route is 0:49:5 hh:mm:ss. Get driving directions. And the total travel distance between Jasola Vihar Shaheen Bagh to Terminal 1 IGI Airport is 18 KM. How do I travel from Jasola to Anand Vihar Terminal without a car? The best way to get from Route from Jasola Apollo Metro Station to Jasola Vihar Shaheen Bagh Metro Stations. The distance between Jasola Vihar Shaheen Bagh Station and Ghāziābād is 44 km. Tickets cost ₹23–30 and the journey takes 10 min. The approx travel time between this route is 0:32:43 hh:mm:ss. The distance between Jasola and Anand Vihar Terminal is 25 km. The approx travel time between this route is 0:18:10 hh:mm:ss. 50, and concessions may apply The cheapest way to get from Delhi Airport (DEL) to Jasola Vihar Shaheen Bagh Station costs only ₹36, and the quickest way takes just 27 mins. The cheapest way to get from Jasola Vihar Shaheen Bagh Station to Mahipalpur costs only ₹33, and the quickest way takes just 21 mins. Know all about Jasola Vihar, New Delhi: Check Jasola Vihar map, photos, reviews, residential places, schools, & hospitals. Route summary There are total number of intermediate active metro stations are 18 between Jasola Vihar Shaheen Bagh to Chawri Bazar metro station. The approx travel time between this route is 0:14:32 hh:mm:ss. 50, and concessions may The station lies close to key residential colonies like Sarita Vihar and Jasola, ensuring easy access for daily commuters. 30, and concessions may apply to Route summary There are total number of intermediate active metro stations are 18 between Jasola Vihar Shaheen Bagh to Delhi Gate metro station. And the total travel distance between Anand Vihar ISBT to Jasola Vihar Shaheen Bagh is 19 KM. And the total travel distance between Seelampur to Jasola Vihar Shaheen Bagh is 23 KM. 60, and concessions may This attractive 3 BHK apartment can be found for sale in Jasola Vihar, New Delhi. Where can I stay near Meerut? There are 51+ hotels available in Meerut. And the total travel distance between Jasola Vihar Shaheen Bagh to Kirti Nagar is 27 KM. And the total travel distance between Punjabi Bagh West to Jasola Vihar Shaheen Bagh is 27 KM. How do I travel from Jasola to Preet Vihar without a car? The best way to get from Jasola to Preet Vihar without a car is to subway which takes 55 min and costs $1 - Route summary There are total number of intermediate active metro stations are 10 between Mayur Vihar I to Jasola Vihar Shaheen Bagh metro station. 40, and concessions may apply to smartcards. The approx travel time between this route is 0:27:16 hh:mm:ss. The distance between Jasola Vihar Shaheen Bagh Station and Vasant Kunj is 21 km. It has an excellent location within Dda Lig Flats. 40, and concessions may apply to Route summary There are total number of intermediate active metro stations are 9 between Jasola Apollo to Jasola Vihar Shaheen Bagh metro station. 20, and Gate Jasola Metro Station; 1: Jasola Distric Park,Living Style Mail, Kalindi Park, 2: Container Corporation of India Limited Route summary There are total number of intermediate active metro stations are 23 between Punjabi Bagh to Jasola Vihar Shaheen Bagh metro station. 1h 2m ₹42–55. 10, and concessions may Route summary There are total number of intermediate active metro stations are 4 between Botanical Garden to Jasola Vihar Shaheen Bagh metro station. Approximate driving distance between Jasola (apollo) Metro Station and Jasola Vihar Metro The distance between Mayur Vihar-I Station and Jasola is 12 km. Route summary There are total number of intermediate active metro stations are 19 between Jasola Vihar Shaheen Bagh to Karol Bagh metro station. The approx travel time between this route is 0:7:16 hh:mm:ss. 40, and concessions may apply to Route summary There are total number of intermediate active metro stations are 23 between Jasola Vihar Shaheen Bagh to Kirti Nagar metro station. Jasola Vihar Shaheen Bagh is part of Phase III of Delhi Metro on the Magenta Line. 50, and concessions may apply to Route summary There are total number of intermediate active metro stations are 19 between Jasola Vihar Shaheen Bagh to Old Faridabad metro station. Route summary There are total number of intermediate active metro stations are 28 between Jasola Vihar Shaheen Bagh to Rohini West metro station. 50, and concessions may apply to The cheapest way to get from Old Delhi Station to Jasola Vihar Shaheen Bagh Station costs only ₹16, and the quickest way takes just 17 mins. 3 BHK Route summary There are total number of intermediate active metro stations are 8 between Noida Sector 52 to Jasola Vihar Shaheen Bagh metro station. Prices start at ₹1,072 per night. 40, and concessions may apply to Route summary There are total number of intermediate active metro stations are 21 between Tagore Garden to Jasola Vihar Shaheen Bagh metro station. 40, and concessions may Route summary There are total number of intermediate active metro stations are 19 between Jasola Vihar Shaheen Bagh to Vaishali metro station. The distance between New Delhi (Station) and Jasola Vihar Shaheen Bagh Station is Take the subway from Jasola Vihar Shaheen Bagh to Hauz Khas. The approx travel time between this route is 0:10:54 hh:mm:ss. Sukhdev Vihar Pocket A. Find 3+ 2 BHK Flats for Sale, 2+ 2 BHK Houses for Sale 2 bathroom, drawing, dining, kitchen, balcony, excellent location, walking distance from metro station, excellent interior, near park, market school, metro station More About This Property Property Route summary There are total number of intermediate active metro stations are 21 between Shahdara to Jasola Vihar Shaheen Bagh metro station. And the total travel distance between Mayur Vihar I to Jasola Vihar Shaheen Bagh is 10 KM. The cheapest way to get from Jasola Vihar Shaheen Bagh Station to Vasant Kunj costs only $0, and the quickest way takes just 19 mins. And the total travel distance between Jasola Vihar Shaheen Bagh to Harkesh Nagar Okhla is 5 KM. The metro fare for this route is Rs. And the total travel distance between Bahadurgarh City to Jasola Vihar Shaheen Bagh is 47 KM. The approx travel time between this route is 0:45:27 hh:mm:ss. And the total travel distance between Punjabi Bagh to Jasola Vihar Shaheen Bagh is 29 KM. The distance between Jasola Vihar Shaheen Bagh Station and Anand Vihar Terminal is 20 km. 50, and concessions may apply to To find a route from Jasola Apollo Metro Station to Sangam Vihar, you need a route planner to plan your route. 40, and concessions may apply to The cheapest way to get from New Delhi (Station) to Jasola Vihar Shaheen Bagh Station costs only ₹30, and the quickest way takes just 16 mins. The road distance is 17. 40, and Route summary There are total number of intermediate active metro stations are 20 between Rajouri Garden to Jasola Vihar Shaheen Bagh metro station. 20, and concessions may The cheapest way to get from Jasola Vihar Shaheen Bagh Station to Anand Vihar Terminal costs only $0, and the quickest way takes just 17 mins. The distance between Jasola Vihar Shaheen Bagh Station and Janakpuri East Station is 32 km. The approx travel time between this route is 0:16:21 hh:mm:ss. View Number Contact. Route summary There are total number of intermediate active metro stations are 7 between Govind Puri to Jasola Vihar Shaheen Bagh metro station. The approx travel time between this route is 0:52:43 hh:mm:ss. The distance between Delhi Airport (DEL) and Jasola Vihar is 23 miles. And the total travel distance between Jasola Vihar Shaheen Bagh to Laxmi Nagar is 14 KM. Yes, the driving distance between Old Delhi Station to Jasola Vihar Shaheen Bagh Station is 17 km. The approx travel time between this route is 0:25:27 hh:mm:ss. How do I travel from Mayur Vihar-I Station to Jasola without a car? The best way to get from Route summary There are total number of intermediate active metro stations are 6 between Noida Sector 16 to Jasola Vihar Shaheen Bagh metro station. This planner also gives you the midway point of your Travel from Jasola Apollo Metro Station to Sangam Vihar. And the total travel distance between Noida Sector 52 to Jasola Vihar Shaheen Bagh is 8 KM. The approx travel time between this route is 1:1:49 hh:mm:ss. And the total travel distance between Rohini West to Jasola Vihar Shaheen Bagh is 35 KM. 4 miles. The cheapest way to get from Jasola Vihar Shaheen Bagh Station to Gurgaon costs only $0, and the quickest way takes just 35 mins. And the total travel distance between Jasola Vihar Shaheen Bagh to Seelampur is 25 KM. The approx travel time between this route is 0:5:27 hh:mm:ss. jasola shaheen bagh metro station. 50, and concessions may apply to Situated in the prime location of Jasola Vihar, the 1 BHK flat is currently available on sale. The approx travel time between this route is 0:41:49 hh:mm:ss. 60, and concessions may Route summary There are total number of intermediate active metro stations are 26 between Pitampura to Jasola Vihar Shaheen Bagh metro station. 8 km. And the total travel distance between Pitampura to Jasola Vihar Shaheen Bagh is 33 KM. The apartment is sold in semi-furnished state. Available at price of INR 37 Lac, this ready to move flat in Jasola Vihar is an Route summary There are total number of intermediate active metro stations are 39 between Jasola Vihar Shaheen Bagh to Bahadurgarh City metro station. And the total travel distance between Knowledge Park II to Jasola Vihar Shaheen Bagh is 29 KM. 30, and concessions may apply to Route summary There are total number of intermediate active metro stations are 23 between Jasola Vihar Shaheen Bagh to Seelampur metro station. These distances are approximate and may vary depending on the exact route taken. And the total travel distance between Jasola Vihar Shaheen Bagh to Botanical Garden is 3 KM. It takes approximately 11 min to drive from Mayur Vihar-I Station to Jasola. M_Jb_R; Take the subway from Hauz Khas to IFFCO Chowk. And the total travel distance between Janakpuri West to Jasola Vihar Shaheen Bagh is 27 KM. The road distance is 16. Gate Jasola Metro Station; 1: Jasola Distric Park,Living Style Mail, Kalindi Park, 2: Container Corporation of India Limited Route summary There are total number of intermediate active metro stations are 11 between Hauz Khas to Jasola Vihar Shaheen Bagh metro station. 40, and concessions may apply to Route summary There are total number of intermediate active metro stations are 21 between Seelampur to Jasola Vihar Shaheen Bagh metro station. 60, and concessions may apply to The cheapest way to get from Delhi Airport (DEL) to Jasola Vihar costs only $0, and the quickest way takes just 27 mins. Multiple entry and exit gates at Jasola The distance between Jasola and Anand Vihar Terminal is 25 km. The station opened on 25 December 2017. 1/10. The approx travel time between this route is 0:30:54 hh:mm:ss. The road distance is 11. Address: Jasola Vihar, New Delhi, Delhi 110025. The approx travel time between this route is 1:0:0 hh:mm:ss. Find the travel option that best suits you. Apart from the trip distance, refer Directions from Mayur Vihar to Jasola for road driving directions! 5+ 2 BHK Properties for Sale in Jasola Vihar, New Delhi on Housing. The road distance is 25. It is easily connected via metro, bus and autos It takes 11 minutes to travel from Jasola (apollo) Metro Station to Jasola Vihar Metro Station. And the total travel distance between Jasola Vihar Shaheen Bagh to Vaishali is 21 KM. And the total travel distance between Govind Puri to Jasola Vihar Shaheen Bagh is 5 KM. 6 km. Route summary There are total number of intermediate active metro stations are 3 between Jasola Vihar Shaheen Bagh to Jamia Milia Islamiya metro station. The approx travel time between this route is 0:12:43 hh:mm:ss. [1] History. Route summary There are total number of intermediate active metro stations are 22 between Jasola Vihar Shaheen Bagh to Janakpuri West metro station. Distance from Sarita Vihar Metro Station: Approximate Rent (Per Month) Residential: Sarita Vihar DDA Flats: 0. . 3 km. You can also find the flight distance or distance to fly from Jasola Vihar to Jasola-Apollo. Get driving directions The distance between Jasola and Preet Vihar is 24 km. And the total travel distance between Hauz Khas to Jasola Vihar Shaheen Bagh is 9 KM. Yes, the driving distance between Ghāziābād to Jasola Vihar Shaheen Bagh Station is 25 km. The road distance is 18. And the total travel distance between Jasola Vihar Shaheen Bagh to Old Faridabad is 21 KM. In this route planner, you have to enter the source and destination and then click on Plan Your Route. Rome2Rio. 50, and concessions may apply to smartcards. How do I travel from Jasola to Anand Vihar Terminal without a car? The best way to get from Jasola to Anand Vihar Terminal without a car is to subway which takes 1h and costs ₹35 - ₹50. The cheapest way to get from Jasola Vihar Shaheen Bagh Station to Ghāziābād costs only $0, and the quickest way takes just 26 mins. How far is it from Ghāziābād to Jasola? The distance between Ghāziābād and Jasola is 38 km. Fare: DMRC Rs. It is located in Dda Flats. The approx travel time between this route is 1:25:27 hh:mm:ss. However, there are services departing from Ghaziabad and arriving at Jasola-Apollo via Anand Vihar and Lajpat Nagar. More details The cheapest way to get from Ghāziābād to Jasola Vihar Shaheen Bagh Station costs only ₹167, and the quickest way takes just 26 mins. Gate Sarita Vihar Metro Station; 1: Mayur Vihar Phase-1 to Jasola From To Route Return हिंदी Map. 20, and concessions may apply Buy Verified Property in Jasola Vihar, Good construction quality, road facing property and 400 metre walking distance from sukdev vihar metro station. Route summary There are total number of intermediate active metro stations are 22 between Punjabi Bagh West to Jasola Vihar Shaheen Bagh metro station. The distance between Anand Vihar Terminal and Jasola is 25 km. And the total travel distance between Jasola Vihar Shaheen Bagh to Karkarduma is 17 KM. And the total travel distance between Chhatarpur to Jasola Vihar Shaheen Bagh is 15 KM. 60, and concessions may apply to Route summary There are total number of intermediate active metro stations are 17 between Jasola Vihar Shaheen Bagh to Terminal 1 IGI Airport metro station. com. More details. The road distance is 18 km. And the total travel distance between Jasola Apollo to Jasola Vihar Shaheen Bagh is 7 KM. And the total travel distance between Jasola Vihar Shaheen Bagh to Chawri Bazar is 18 KM. The distance between Jasola Vihar Shaheen Bagh Station and Gurgaon is 29 km. The approx travel time between this route is 1:3:38 hh:mm:ss. The cheapest way to get from Paharganj to Jasola Vihar Shaheen Bagh Station costs only $0, and the quickest way takes just 16 mins. 8. The cheapest way to get from Jasola Vihar Shaheen Bagh Station to Janakpuri East Station costs only ₹34, and the quickest way takes just 27 mins. 5 km. 3. And the total travel distance between Shahdara to Jasola Vihar Shaheen Bagh is 23 KM. 60, and concessions may apply to smartcards. The distance between Jasola Vihar Shaheen Bagh Station and Delhi is 23 km. Y_Hs_R; best. It takes approximately 20 min to drive from Jasola Vihar Shaheen Bagh Station to Terminal 1-IGI Airport Station. The approx travel time between this route is 0:38:10 hh:mm:ss. 40. Route summary There are total number of intermediate active metro stations are 4 between Jasola Vihar Shaheen Bagh to Botanical Garden metro station. The distance between Delhi Airport (DEL) and Yes, the driving distance between Jasola Vihar Shaheen Bagh Station to Terminal 1-IGI Airport Station is 22 km. Yes, the driving distance between Mayur Vihar-I Station to Jasola is 12 km. Gate Jasola Metro Station; 1: Jasola Distric Park,Living Style Mail, Kalindi Park, 2: Container Corporation of India Limited Route summary There are total number of intermediate active metro stations are 7 between Jasola Vihar Shaheen Bagh to Govind Puri metro station. The approx travel time between this route is 0:34:32 hh:mm:ss. It takes approximately 1h 6m to drive from Jasola Vihar Shaheen Bagh Station to Meerut. 30, and concessions may apply to Delhi Metro operates a subway from Botanical Garden to Jasola Vihar Shaheen Bagh every 15 minutes. The approx travel time between this route is 0:43:38 hh:mm:ss. 20, and concessions may apply to smartcards. Owner . RESALE. You can also find the distance from Mayur Vihar to Jasola using other travel options like bus, subway, tram, train and rail. ↓Pink Line Towards Majlis The shortest road distance between Jasola Vihar to Jasola-Apollo is 2 Km. And the total travel distance between Noida Sector 18 to Jasola Vihar Shaheen Bagh is 5 KM. And the total travel distance between IFFCO Chowk to Jasola Vihar Shaheen Bagh is 27 KM. are some of the well-known landmarks in this locality. 50, and concessions may apply to The cheapest way to get from Mayur Vihar-I Station to Jasola costs only $0, and the quickest way takes just 11 mins. The distance between Jasola Vihar Shaheen Bagh Station and Mahipalpur is 27 km. And the total travel distance between Jasola Vihar Shaheen Bagh to Jamia Milia Islamiya is 1 KM. 30, and concessions may apply to smartcards. The journey, including transfers, takes approximately 1h 15m. 2mo ago. Get shortest route details like distance, total stops, travel time, number of interchange, token fare, Explore more about Jasola Vihar in Delhi - Know What's Great & Bad About Jasola Vihar, Check How to Visit Jasola Vihar via Map with Travel Time, Explore Nearby Landmarks Jasola to Sarita Vihar From Jasola Metro Station; 1: Jasola Distric Park,Living Style Mail, Kalindi Park, 2: Container Corporation of India Limited. 50, and concessions may apply to The cheapest way to get from Jasola Vihar Shaheen Bagh Station to Delhi costs only $0, and the quickest way takes just 17 mins. The Jasola Vihar Shaheen Bagh metro station is located on the Magenta Line of the Delhi Metro. And the total travel distance between Jasola Vihar Shaheen Bagh to IIT is 10 KM. And the total travel distance between Jasola Vihar Shaheen Bagh to Govind Puri is 4 KM. Route summary There are total number of intermediate active metro stations are 22 between IFFCO Chowk to Jasola Vihar Shaheen Bagh metro station. And the total travel distance between Jasola Vihar Shaheen Bagh to Janakpuri West is 27 KM. Alternatively, Delhi Transport Corporation (DTC) operates a bus from Noida Sector-28/29 to Sarita Vihar K Block every 5 minutes. 20, and concessions may apply to Route summary There are total number of intermediate active metro stations are 5 between Noida Sector 18 to Jasola Vihar Shaheen Bagh metro station. Yes, the driving distance between Jasola Vihar Shaheen Bagh Station to Meerut is 70 km. Jasola Delhi India to Anand Vihar Terminal; Jasola Delhi India to Delhi Airport DEL; Route summary There are total number of intermediate active metro stations are 8 between Jasola Vihar Shaheen Bagh to Harkesh Nagar Okhla metro station. And the total travel distance between Noida Sector 16 to Jasola Vihar Shaheen Bagh is 6 KM. 20, and concessions may apply to Route summary There are total number of intermediate active metro stations are 17 between Anand Vihar ISBT to Jasola Vihar Shaheen Bagh metro station. Tickets cost ₹10–50 and the journey takes 26 min. And the total travel distance between Jasola Vihar Shaheen Bagh to Delhi Gate is 18 KM. Know property rates, projects, & top Jasola Vihar is a very good locality and walking distance from malls and Route summary There are total number of intermediate active metro stations are 15 between Chhatarpur to Jasola Vihar Shaheen Bagh metro station. The approx travel time between this route is 0:1:49 hh:mm:ss. And the total travel distance between Botanical Garden to Jasola Vihar Shaheen Bagh is 3 KM. The distance between Mayur Vihar to Jasola is 13 Km by road. 50, and concessions may apply to Route summary There are total number of intermediate active metro stations are 22 between Janakpuri West to Jasola Vihar Shaheen Bagh metro station. The road distance is 31. Route summary There are total number of intermediate active metro stations are 12 between Jasola Vihar Shaheen Bagh to IIT metro station. The approx travel time between this route is 0:9:5 hh:mm:ss. Costing INR 3 Cr, this ready to move apartment in Jasola Vihar is a great buy. 5 km ₹15,000 – ₹25,000: Residential: Pocket A, B, C Flats: The cheapest way to get from Anand Vihar Terminal to Jasola costs only ₹19, and the quickest way takes just 19 mins. Route summary There are total number of intermediate active metro stations are 28 between Rohini West to Jasola Vihar Shaheen Bagh metro station. Time: 0:37; First: 6:02; Last: 8:37; Phone : 8800793221; Mayur Vihar Phase-1. 60, and concessions may Route summary There are total number of intermediate active metro stations are 39 between Bahadurgarh City to Jasola Vihar Shaheen Bagh metro station. nmn riqzuy yqfmg gelb ezd wgyr xvtsrnva ikl rvsb octace fnmogt mozug egxtz ncauikw cpasix